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HomeUSAConversions from US Standard to Metric and vice versa

Conversions from US Standard to Metric and vice versa


…Metric to US-Standard

Linear dimensions
1 cm 0,3937 inch
1 meter 39.36 inch
1 meter 1,0936 yard
1 meter 3,2808 feet
1 km 0,621388 miles
Area / Surface
1 square meter 10,7637 sq.ft
1 sq. km 0,3861 sq. miles
1 sq. km 247,1 acre
1 hectar 2,471 acre
Fluids / weight
1 liter 0,2642 gallons
1 liter 2,1133 fluid
1 kilo 2,2046 amerik.
1 metric pound 1,1023 amerik.
100 grams 3,53 ounces
1 cubic meter 35,314724 cubic

…US-Standard to Metric

1 inch 2,54 cm
1 yard 91,44 cm /
0,9144 m
1 yard 3 feet (foot)
1 foot 30,48 cm /
0,3048 m
1 foot 12 inch
1 mile 1.609,3 m /
1,6093 km
1 mile 5.279,8556 ft
Area / surface
1 sq. ft 0,092903 sq. m
1 sq. mile 2,5899 sq. km
1 acre 4.046,9 sq. km
1 acre 43.560 sq. ft
1 acre 0,4047 hectar
Fluids / Weights
1 gallon 3,7853 liter
1 pint (fluid) 0,4732 liter
1 pound 16 ounces
1 ounce 28,3495 gr
1 pound 453,592 gr
1 cubic foot 28.316,846 cubic centimeter
1 cubic foot 0.0283168
cubic meter
1 cubic foot 7.481 gallons

See also Conversion of Temperature Fahrenheit-Celsius

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